Voice Acting? Don’t Quit Your Day Job. Here’s Why.

The allure of voice acting is undeniable. The idea of bringing life to characters, narrating stories, or being the voice behind commercial campaigns has a certain charm that can capture the imagination of many aspiring talents. However, if you’re considering a career in voice acting, I have one crucial piece of advice for you: Don’t quit your day job—at least not yet.

Before you get disheartened, let me explain why keeping your day job while pursuing voiceover (VO) work is not only smart but could be the key to your success in this competitive field.

The Financial Realities of Starting in VO

Starting any new venture comes with costs, and voice acting is no exception. You’ll need essential equipment like a microphone, an interface, a reliable computer, and a quiet space for recording. While it’s true that I booked my first gig with a $67 microphone, there’s a baseline quality you must achieve to be taken seriously by clients.

Let’s say you’ve made that initial investment and landed a few gigs—fantastic! But here’s the catch: the money you earn from those early jobs will likely be absorbed by living expenses before you know it. That’s where the concept of “Monopoly Money” comes into play. Think of your voice acting earnings as reinvestment funds rather than income for personal expenses. This mindset allows you to allocate VO earnings towards further improvements like coaching, sound treatment, professional demos, and studio-quality equipment.

The Cost of Improvement

Spending $10,000+ on education and equipment to start earning a substantial income is not an unrealistic cost for most voice actors. If you don’t have savings to cover these costs, your progress may stall. Even if you do have the funds, investing them all at once isn’t wise because voiceover work is unpredictable. It moves at its own pace, and having an open schedule doesn’t guarantee a steady stream of jobs.

What’s a better use of your time when auditions are slow? Twiddling your thumbs or working a job that provides a steady paycheck? The answer is clear. A day job not only covers your bills but also gives you the financial freedom to invest in your voiceover career without the pressure to book every gig.

Handling Rejection and Pressure

Rejection is part of the voice acting industry, but how you handle it can make a huge difference. Imagine receiving a rejection email when you desperately need the money versus shrugging it off because you have a stable income from another source. The latter scenario is far less stressful and allows you to approach each audition with confidence rather than desperation.

Putting all your eggs in the VO basket too soon creates immense pressure to succeed, making every loss feel catastrophic. This pressure can lead to doubt and burnout, which are detrimental to your success.

Balancing Work and Voice Acting

So, how do you manage a day job and pursue voice acting? It’s about effective time management, maintaining the right mindset, and setting realistic goals.

Firstly, assess your weekly schedule. Identify blocks of time you can dedicate to voiceover work. Even 30 minutes a day can lead to significant improvement. Block out these times in your calendar, commit to them, and avoid distractions like social media during your voice actor sessions.

Secondly, adopt the right mindset. Your day job isn’t stealing time away from voice acting; it’s providing the financial stability you need to grow your VO business from a position of strength. Embrace your day job as a necessary and beneficial part of your journey.

Lastly, set SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Write down your goals, commit to them, and celebrate your achievements. This will help you track your progress and stay motivated.


Keeping your day job while building a voice acting career is a strategic move that can save you from financial strain and emotional burnout. It allows you to invest in your growth and approach the industry with a level head and a solid foundation.

If you’re just getting started and want to learn more about breaking into the voice acting industry, check out my free eBook here.

Remember, don’t quit your day job just yet—but do get behind the mic!

The most comprehensive source of voice acting education on the internet, founded by one of Los Angeles’ top booking actors. We simplify the industry and empower actors to take control of their own careers, no matter their current skill or experience level.

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